Day 3- The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Continuing on with our story board theme, I decided to try out ‘ the warm sun came out ‘ scene. I will be honest I was a bit perplexed about what I was going to use and how I was going to create it. But in the end I decided on doing a collage.

Items needed:


I cut out about an A5 size of cardboard and glued some white paper on it, I drew my design on it. I will be honest if I were to do Collage again I would make it bigger about an A4 for my toddler as he had trouble filling in the smaller parts. I cut up the paper in small strips and put it all on a plate ready for the kids to use.


We decided to try something new and watch The Very Hungry Caterpillar while we worked ( watch it here )




He absolutely had a ball doing this, but as you can see the black texta that I used began to run and made the end result a bit messy. So I decided to make my own, I made the caterpillar bigger and the sun smaller. I only left the grey lead outline to guide me.



I think the end result speaks for itself, using only the grey lead you don’t get the bleeding look that the black texta gave. The caterpillar looks more formed.

Hope you all have fun making your very own sun scenes.

Fun Fact: Doing art activities like this helps your child improve their hand to eye coordination